Sunday, November 4, 2018

Hilltop Show

I was chosen as Featured Artist at the annual Hilltop Country Day School show which ran from Oct. 26 thru Oct 28.  Showed 26 pictures in the main gallery.  Thank you all who attended and especially those who walked away with one of my paintings.  Here are a few pictures from the show.

These "Two Canoes" were a subject I spoke about in my demo on using photographs to create the October SCAS meeting.

This is "Sparta Presbyterian" done as a triptych.

 I call this "Pumpkin Time" taken from the Anderson farm stand on Route 15, Sparta.

The "Van Kirk Oak"  at the Sparta Historical Society site. It is over 230 years old.

"Yellow House"  I painted this the week after the show.  I see this view from my deck across the lake.  Lake Mohawk Marina is on the right.