Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas 2020

 I worked up this composite picture of Sally and my grandchildren.  I used older paintings and photographs to get the six kids into a fantasy scene with a Santa modeled on the old Coca-Cola Santa.

Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

AJA Stables

 In September The Sussex County Art Society tried to take advantage of some late summer weather to do a plein air event at Joan Wittrien's stables, near the fair grounds.  Because of Covid we have not been able to meet indoors.  My first effort was of the main barn.  The earthy tones, I think, help capture the feel of a working stable.

The second painting is of the practice rings where some horses were lazing around.

Thank you, Joan.

LBI Plein Air

 I was accepted to participate in the Long Beach Island Foundation annual show.  I travelled to the island and stayed at the north end, near the lighthouse because the motel rates were less expensive.  But I travelled the island and did three sketches around the Beach Haven area.  When I was at the docks on the bay side in Barnegat I got a surprise--so many flies hanging around the fishing boats. Tough going!

Four paintings were allowed so I had to choose.  The first one I did in Beach Haven early in the morning so there were few people on the beach.

This one was also in Beach Haven, down by the water.  I've seen a flag attached to this pier support for many years and don't know if they get changed as the waves batter them.  I entered this as one of my four and it received an honorable mention.  "Proudly she waves."

The next few were done around Surf City where my family vacationed for many years.  The first I call low tide, the time when the ocean is calm and little ones can play in the gentle surf.

This next one I call vigilant.

In the evening as the light was fading fishermen come out as the families go back home to eat and rest.  I caught these two guys  in the Beach Haven area.  I had to work fast but that gives the image some vitality.

In the morning after getting coffee and a bagel I wandered over to the fishing boats in the Barnegat bay area, where I encountered the flies.  Again I had to work fast.