After the Plein air event in NY state I returned to my local scenes. Driving to the monthly meetings of the Sussex County Art Society I pass a fallow corn field and this tractor resting, waiting to be put to work.
After the Plein air event in NY state I returned to my local scenes. Driving to the monthly meetings of the Sussex County Art Society I pass a fallow corn field and this tractor resting, waiting to be put to work.
Looking for new ways to depict familiar scenes I decided to get a reflected view of the Lake Mohawk Country clubhouse. This scene views the club and reflection from the boardwalk area of the sunken garden.
This spring I was thinking about the Sussex County Fair and also some new views of old sites that I like to paint. Also I wanted to get out and do some plein air work.
For the fair that means cows and barns and local sights. The first image was inspired by a painting I saw in Plein Air magazine. I liked the muted colors and tried to emulate them
Cows in wild flowers
The second was inspire by a plein air sketch up route 206 near Flatbrook Road. I always see cows grazing as I drive up to Highpoint to golf.
Flatbrook grazing
One more for the cows. I liked the way these critters are moving toward the viewer with an endless trail behind them/.