After the Plein air event in NY state I returned to my local scenes. Driving to the monthly meetings of the Sussex County Art Society I pass a fallow corn field and this tractor resting, waiting to be put to work.
After the Plein air event in NY state I returned to my local scenes. Driving to the monthly meetings of the Sussex County Art Society I pass a fallow corn field and this tractor resting, waiting to be put to work.
Looking for new ways to depict familiar scenes I decided to get a reflected view of the Lake Mohawk Country clubhouse. This scene views the club and reflection from the boardwalk area of the sunken garden.
This spring I was thinking about the Sussex County Fair and also some new views of old sites that I like to paint. Also I wanted to get out and do some plein air work.
For the fair that means cows and barns and local sights. The first image was inspired by a painting I saw in Plein Air magazine. I liked the muted colors and tried to emulate them
Cows in wild flowers
The second was inspire by a plein air sketch up route 206 near Flatbrook Road. I always see cows grazing as I drive up to Highpoint to golf.
Flatbrook grazing
One more for the cows. I liked the way these critters are moving toward the viewer with an endless trail behind them/.
This winter I was on my own looking for sites to paint as I missed hooking up with Shawn Dell Joyce. The first place I visited was The Boyd Hill nature center that had a magnificent collection of caged raptors, owls, eagles, hawks. I wander to the marshy mangrove area where I caught some water fowl feeding.
Once again the Walkill River Center for the Arts hosted the Hudson Valley Plein air Festival. This year it was held at the Warwick Railroad green in the center of town. I tried to capture the old station from a west view. Over a hundred artist participated using oils, acrylics, etc. I worked as usual in watercolor. Once again the time frame was an issue. It's hard to feel finished when you have to complete, mat and frame a picture in two hours. But the group atmosphere is exhilarating. It is almost a sepia monotone.
Another plein air I worked on, back in Sussex County is the Balesville Community Church seen from the rear, looking over the graveyard.
One of the invited demonstrator's at the Sussex County Art Society showed how to do "coffee painting." It was fascinating, especially creating three values, dark, medium and light of the almost sepia brown. from a mixture of instant coffee and water. When I tried this in my studio I decided to add a little green and orange tones.
Art in Sussex County, our local group that runs the art show for Sussex County residents has set "TOYS" as the theme for invited members. At first I found this daunting as I was stuck in a play and games perspective until I ultimately arrived at the objects, toys themselves. Thanks to my wife I found her trove of toys gathered for our grandchildren's play and set about to feature them in my paintings. The first is a gathering I call "Friends" featuring Sponge Bob but also echoing a perennial favorite, the Teddy Bear. What a great range of emotions, from Patrick's manic glee, Puss in Boots smugness, Squidward's melancholy to Teddy's affectionate embrace.
This spring the Sussex County Art Society renewed our do-your-own-thing sessions where members paint or draw and share critiques with others. In preparation for the County Fair where the theme for the art show is TOYS JW brought in a unique teddy bear which I used and fashioned an office scene.